You’re Braver Than You Believe
Today we’re going to talk about pooh. 💩
No, not that kind.
Today, January 18, is National Winnie-the-Pooh Day, chosen to commemorate author A.A. Milne’s birthday.
In that spirit, I thought it was a good time to remind you of an important truth, one that Christopher Robin shared so powerfully with Winnie-the-Pooh:
““Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.””
I’ve gone around the sun enough times to know that most of us need to hear this sometimes. I don’t care if you’re a CEO or a cleaning person, a life coach or a basketball coach, an AARP member or a kindergartener. Self-doubt starts early, and it journeys right along with us through life. It can come in varying degrees, and its volume can be turned up or down based on the circumstances in our lives, but it’s there.
And it’s hidden. Or at least we think it is. Or at least we hope it is. 😬
So knowing that in some area of your life right now, you might be feeling scared, weak, or unequipped, I thought I’d just call out that self-doubt and remind you that you are “braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
Yes, you.
How do I know that? Well, if you’re reading this, there’s a really good chance that I know you. So I know this is true about you – even if you don’t always believe it.
But I’ll admit to being a “cheat” here. I also know this to be true about you because it’s true about all of us. Each of us. Every. Single. One. Of. Us.
You included.
Me included.
And so we ALL need to be reminded of this… and then to use it.
What do I mean by “use it?”
Well, ponder these questions:
If that quotation is true about you, then what does that make possible for you?
If you had more courage, strength, and wisdom, what step would you take (that you feel too afraid to take now)?
What problem would you address (that maybe you’re avoiding now)?
What choice would you make about that thing that you don’t feel like you know enough about?
If you can answer these questions (or similar ones that relate specifically to your life), then you already know how to “use” that quotation.
I know, you’re still going to argue with me that it’s not true. That you’re not braver, stronger, or smarter than you think. OK, then try this.
What does it mean to you to be brave? Some people might interpret “brave” as a synonym for “fearless” or “unafraid.” I call bull. 💩
(Two poop emojis in one blog. That’s a good day. I’m on a roll.)
Brave doesn’t mean “not being afraid.” It means being afraid, being nervous, being scared, being uncomfortable…. And doing it anyway.
I’ve picked up a few new mantras since becoming an entrepreneur. One of them is “Do it scared.” Sometimes I need a very direct message. This fits the bill. There are plenty of things I get nervous about or am scared to do. I say to myself, “OK – I’m scared. That’s alright, I’ll do it scared.”
That’s bravery.
The root of the word “courage” relates to our hearts – as in, “take heart,” or “be stouthearted.” When our hearts are fearful, we just need to remind them to bring the fear along for the ride and take action anyway.
You are braver than you believe. You’ve been believing that your fear stands in your way. Don’t allow yourself to continue to think everything you’ve believed in the past. You can change your thoughts. A new thought might be, “I can do it scared.” And that makes you brave.
What is true strength? You probably see where this is going, don’t you?
Yes, real strength is being vulnerable. Real strength is admitting to weakness, asking for help, and being willing to receive help. Real strength is taking steps, even when it’s hard. If the steps are easy, how much strength does that take?
Real strength is an internal resource, and I’m not sure what its limits might be – or if there even are limits to it. There are so many stories – fictional and in real life – of people who have overcome impossibly hard circumstances. I’m willing to bet that few (if any) of them thought that they “had the strength” to do it. But somehow they did it.
I guess that they admitted vulnerability and did it weak. Real strength is acknowledging that “I don’t feel strong enough, but I’m going to do it anyway.”
It’s amazing the gifts and resources that we’ll be given – or that will be created in us – just when we need them most.
You are stronger than you seem. Quit underestimating yourself. There’s an untapped well inside you that will give you the strength you need for each step.
Speaking of deep, untapped wells, the same is true for your wisdom.
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote this in a blog post: “I hope you’ll be reminded that there is a deep knowing that’s always available to us, to guide us, direct us, and inspire us, when we get honest and give that wisdom space to come forth.”
Does that mean that you know everything about everything? That you know the exact right technical answer to some perplexing issue? That you know exactly how to handle that thorny problem in one of your relationships?
There might still be some gaps in exact knowledge or how-to’s.
But I believe that you still know the best next step to take to try to find or create the answer.
We don’t get omnipotence. That’s reserved for someone above my pay grade. But we get a flicker of that wisdom, and maybe that’s all we need.
You’re smarter than you think, and when you hold yourself back because you dismiss your wisdom and abilities, you are holding yourself back from the fullness of who you were created to be and who you were sent to impact. What a loss, for you and them.
So use it to lead your life.
You are capable, amazing, and you have internal resources in abundance. This gives you power. And “with great power comes great responsibility.” (Thanks, Spiderman.)
I’d like to propose that your primary responsibility is to lead your life. For God’s sake (literally), for your sake, and for the sake of those you love and serve. And it’s a responsibility that requires you to use your power. You have the power to make changes in your life; you are brave, strong, and smart.
So go back to those questions I posed earlier. I let you off the hook earlier and only asked you to ponder them. Now I will challenge you to choose at least one and answer it. At least for yourself. Bonus points if you email me and share your answer with me!
Given that you have all the courage, strength, and wisdom that you need in this moment, what step will you take?
What problem will you address?
What choice will you make?
Since this quotation is true about you, then what does this make possible for you?
There’s no action, no step, no choice that’s too small to “count” as brave, strong, or smart. And remember, I’m here cheering you on, every step of the way.
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